An imprint of Infinite Skies Publishing
Infinite Teen is dedicated to publishing clean young adult fiction.

In 2048, 25 years after a pandemic killed one-third of the world’s population, America is flourishing under the department of Safety Threats and Reinforcement (STaR). STaR keeps citizens safe and healthy. STaR’s social media app, Allicio, boasts two billion users. Then a power outage shuts down STaR’s health monitors and disables millions of mobile phones.
Sixteen-year-old Rami Carlton races tech-genius Finley Drake to decipher the online identities of their techie friends. The game is harmless. Until Rami receives a chilling text message that she’s being watched and her mother disappears. Rami’s stalker threatens to kill her brother if she talks to Reinforcement Officers.
Then Finley hacks the nation’s cellular provider and discovers STaR has a secret. STAR isn’t just watching. They’re manipulating Allicio. And Rami is their next target.
“A gripping flight from totalitarian forces lurking in the shadows.”
“A brilliant YA thriller with an impassioned heroine—written at a breakneck pace!”
—David Aretha, award-winning author

An imprint of Infinite Skies Publishing
Infinite Teen is dedicated to publishing clean young adult fiction.

In 2048, 25 years after a pandemic killed one-third of the world’s population, America is flourishing under the department of Safety Threats and Reinforcement (STaR). STaR keeps citizens safe and healthy. STaR’s social media app, Allicio, boasts two billion users. Then a power outage shuts down STaR’s health monitors and disables millions of mobile phones.
Sixteen-year-old Rami Carlton races tech-genius Finley Drake to decipher the online identities of their techie friends. The game is harmless. Until Rami receives a chilling text message that she’s being watched and her mother disappears. Rami’s stalker threatens to kill her brother if she talks to Reinforcement Officers.
Then Finley hacks the nation’s cellular provider and discovers STaR has a secret. STAR isn’t just watching. They’re manipulating Allicio. And Rami is their next target.

“A gripping flight from totalitarian forces lurking in the shadows.”
“A brilliant YA thriller with an impassioned heroine—written at a breakneck pace!”
—David Aretha, award-winning author
“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”
― J.M. Barrie, Author of Peter Pan

An Imprint of Infinite Skies Publishing
PixieDust for Young Readers is committed to publishing middle grade and children’s fiction with positive themes.

An Imprint of Infinite Skies Publishing
PixieDust for Young Readers is committed to publishing middle grade and children’s fiction with positive themes.

A heartfelt story of courage, hope, and forgiveness.
Lille and Ellie Liles are best friends and identical twins. But their plan for summer break is full of opposites. Lillie plans to play baseball on the diamond in the middle of the front yard. Ellie hates being dirty. Lillie wants to be a detective. Ellie thinks Lillie should quit spying. Before their twelfth birthday, their world turns upside down.
Farms in Triple Gap, Georgia face bankruptcy and fueling stations run out of gasoline. Lille must forfeit baseball to feed chickens that peck at her legs, grow vegetables she hates eating, and dodge insults from the richest and snobbiest girl in middle school. Then a stranger comes to town that changes everything.
When Lillie turns her habit of spying into serious detective work, she discovers the stranger harbors a buried secret, one she’s determined to unearth. But nothing prepares her for the truth. Can she unravel the mystery in time to save her home?
Buy Your Copy Now at:
An unforgettable story of bullying, friendship, and taking responsibility.
Twelve-year-old twins Lillie and Ellie Liles think middle school will be a breeze, until movie star look-alike, Casey Culver, moves to Triple Gap and steals Lillie’s best friend. Lillie teams up with the school bully to make Casey’s life miserable. But Casey agrees to play baseball on the farm and Lillie discovers she and Casey have a lot in common. Now, Lillie has two best friends.
Then Casey reveals a shocking secret. Lillie goes to the bully to stop the plot against Casey, but it’s too late. As hateful rumors spread, Lillie faces an impossible choice. Telling the truth may cost her two best friends, but staying silent could have far deadlier consequences.
Buy Your Copy Now at:

A heartfelt story of courage, hope, and forgiveness.
Lille and Ellie Liles are best friends and identical twins. But their plan for summer break is full of opposites. Lillie plans to play baseball on the diamond in the middle of the front yard. Ellie hates being dirty. Lillie wants to be a detective. Ellie thinks Lillie should quit spying. Before their twelfth birthday, their world turns upside down.
Farms in Triple Gap, Georgia face bankruptcy and fueling stations run out of gasoline. Lille must forfeit baseball to feed chickens that peck at her legs, grow vegetables she hates eating, and dodge insults from the richest and snobbiest girl in middle school. Then a stranger comes to town that changes everything.
When Lillie turns her habit of spying into serious detective work, she discovers the stranger harbors a buried secret, one she’s determined to unearth. But nothing prepares her for the truth. Can she unravel the mystery in time to save her home?
Buy Your Copy Now at:

An unforgettable story of bullying, friendship, and taking responsibility.
Twelve-year-old twins Lillie and Ellie Liles think middle school will be a breeze, until movie star look-alike, Casey Culver, moves to Triple Gap and steals Lillie’s best friend. Lillie teams up with the school bully to make Casey’s life miserable. But Casey agrees to play baseball on the farm and Lillie discovers she and Casey have a lot in common. Now, Lillie has two best friends.
Then Casey reveals a shocking secret. Lillie goes to the bully to stop the plot against Casey, but it’s too late. As hateful rumors spread, Lillie faces an impossible choice. Telling the truth may cost her two best friends, but staying silent could have far deadlier consequences.
Buy Your Copy Now at:
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Infinite Skies public relations department can bring authors to your live event. For more information, or to book an event, email us.


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“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”
-Japanese Proverb

Infinite Skies Publishing is an independent traditional publisher committed to publishing clean teen and children’s literature.
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Infinite Skies Publishing, LLC is an independent traditional publisher committed to publishing clean fiction for teens and young readers. We carefully choose books that represent positive themes.
Infinite Skies Publishing and our imprints, Infinite Teen and PixieDust for Young Readers, support diversity in children’s literature. We represent a wide array of authors of diverse backgrounds.

BE KIND: The Real Story Behind the Bully
Since October is National Bullying Prevention Month, I want to share with you the real story that inspired my character, Violet Holt, the bully of my middle grade novel, Sour Lemon Strikes Out. Moms and dads, kindness must start with us! If our children see us...
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